MongoDB vs Amazon DynamoDB - Comparing NoSQL Databases

September 30, 2021


NoSQL databases have gained significant popularity in recent years due to their scalability, flexibility, and high performance. MongoDB and Amazon DynamoDB are two of the most widely used NoSQL databases, hosting over thousands of applications on the cloud.

However, when it comes to choosing the right NoSQL database, you need to keep a lot of considerations in mind, including the level of compliance and security features that match with the regulatory requirements of your industry.

In this article, we'll do a head-to-head comparison of MongoDB and Amazon DynamoDB for cloud compliance, giving you an unbiased overview of their essential features, including security, privacy, and regulation.


Security is an essential aspect of any cloud-based database, and both MongoDB and Amazon DynamoDB offer a set of robust security features to protect user data.


MongoDB integrates with numerous security plugins, including Transport Layer Security (TLS), which provides end-to-end encryption of data, segregating network traffic using virtual private clouds (VPCs), and role-based access control.

By default, MongoDB uses the SCRAM (Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism) algorithm to encrypt the user's password to prevent unauthorized access. MongoDB's built-in auditing feature helps admins monitor database activity, including authentication, authorization, and data changes.

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB's security features include encryption at rest through AWS Key Management Service, network isolation using Amazon VPCs, fine-grain access control using AWS Identity and Access Management, and auditing through AWS CloudTrail.

DynamoDB also enables two-factor authentication, which provides an additional layer of security to avoid unauthorized access.


Let's compare both databases based on their security features:

Security Features MongoDB Amazon DynamoDB
Default Encryption SCRAM (Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism) Encryption at rest with AWS Key Management Service
Encryption in Transit Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Network Isolation Segregation of network traffic using virtual private clouds (VPCs) Network isolation using Amazon VPCs
Access Control Role-based access control Fine-grained access control using AWS Identity and Access Management
Auditing Built-in auditing Auditing through AWS CloudTrail
Two-factor authentication N/A Enabled

As you can see, both databases have similar security features, but Amazon DynamoDB offers an additional layer of security through its two-factor authentication feature.

Regulation Compliance

When it comes to choosing a database that meets regulatory-compliance requirements, a database must adhere to standard regulatory measures, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and GDPR.


MongoDB offers compliance controls and monitoring features to support HIPAA and GDPR, as well as other industry standard regulations. MongoDB Atlas also signs a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) providing HIPAA compliance conformity.

Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is PCI-DSS compliant, meaning it satisfies all security measures mandated by PCI (Payment Card Industry) regulations. Amazon DynamoDB also complies with AWS security and compliance, including HIPAA, SOC 1/2/3, and GDPR.


Let's compare both databases based on their Compliance:

Compliance MongoDB Amazon DynamoDB
GDPR Yes Yes
Soc 1/2/3 No Yes

As you can see, Amazon DynamoDB offers more comprehensive regulatory compliance coverage than MongoDB.


When it comes to choosing between MongoDB and Amazon DynamoDB, it ultimately depends on the requirements of the business, the application, and the regulatory certification requirements.

Overall, both databases have strong security and regulatory compliance features, with Amazon DynamoDB being more comprehensive in terms of regulatory compliance.

We hope our comparative analysis has helped you make a well-informed decision when choosing the right NoSQL Database for your application.


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